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The Catholic Church On Reading

The Scriptures


If you think the Church has nothing to say about Scripture, you couldn’t be more wrong. The Church has spoken often and forcefully for 2000 years about the centrality of Scripture in the life of the Church and for the individual Christian. The Church even attaches an indulgence to those who read Scripture meditatively and with devotion for 15 minutes a day! The following is just a snippet of the volume of writing, both official and popular, that have been written through the centuries. We'll be adding more volume and variety as time permits:


The Catholic Church On Reading The Bible 
A quick synopsis from various sources

Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sections 101—141 
From the US Catholic Bishop’s website, 1992

Dei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation) 
Vatican II document on Scripture, 1965

Divino Afflante Spiritu (Inspired By The Holy Spirit) 
Encyclical by Pope Pius XII, 1943

Providentissimus Deus (On The Study of Holy Scripture) 
Encyclical by Pope Leo XII, 1893

Verbum Domini (The Word of the Lord)

Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Benedict XVI, 2010

Instituting the Sunday of the Word of God (Third Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio by Pope Francis

Catholics and the Bible
Catholic Answers/Catholic Evidence Guild

Resources Used in Preparing these Scripture Studies


All of the material in the Scripture studies provided on this site are based on the most up-to-date, scholarly, and orthodox Catholic commentaries and other resources available. As I note on the cover page, I myself am not a Scripture scholar, so I rely on the best Scripture scholars, teachers, and other trustworthy references to make these studies the most accurate, helpful, and enlightening possible. These include the following (outside links):



Some questions featured in these studies were taken or adapted from the following:


Links to Other Resources

Calendar of Mass Readings from the USCCB

Find a Catholic Mass Near You (

Catholic Answers 

Lectio Tube (Scripture study videos and podcasts)

List of Scripture Readings Found In the Sunday Lectionary (Fr. Felix Just SJ, PhD)

Golden Chain (Catena Aura) Gospel Commentary of St. Thomas Aquinas

Searchable Catechism of the Catholic Church (St. Charles Borromeo Church)

The Cross Reference (find a Scripture passage referenced in the Catechism)

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